HSM Beach Camp is at Laguna Beach Christian Retreat in Panama City beach July 11th-July 16th! We are headed to the beach for camp! We will spend time making new friends, opening Gods word, worshipping, playing tons a games, as well as soaking up the sun at the pool and beach. Registration link below!
Sign up by July 4th!
Sunday July 11th
12:30pm Lunch at church
1:45pm Leave for Camp
10:30pm Arrive in Montgomery(Staying at a hotel)
Monday July 12th
8:00am Leave for the Beach
12:00pm Lunch at the Beach
2:00pm Arrive at camp
Tuesday-Thursday July 13th-July 15th
All day at camp
Friday July 16th
8:00am Head home
6:00pm arrive at church
What to bring
Pillow, sleeping bag, bible, pen, water, bottle, sunscreen, bathing suite, towel, Toiletries, activewear, Hawaiian night outfit, Neon night outfit, Throwback Thursday Outfit