Sadly this year we were not able to attend our normal weeks of camp with MSM and HSM. But that does not mean that we can’t have CAMP! This year we will be doing a MSM and HSM Combined camp Called NIGHT CAMP. Night camp will be just like MSM and HSM camp but will be hosted at church. We will have games, food, worship, devos, photo booth, bonfire, color war, and so much more! Check below for schedule.
August 6th 6:00pm-9:00pm Worship, games, and bonfire(we will have snacks provided throughout the night)
August 7th 6:00pm-9:00pm Worship, Games, and Color war(we will have snacks provided throughout the night)
August 8th LAKE DAY (lunch and dinner will be provided)
8:00am Drop off at church
8:30am leave for lake
7:30pm Leave for church
9:00pm Arrive back to church
(Church will be providing transportation to and from the lake. If you are not comfortable with your student being transported by the church you can drop off and pick up at the Lake).
Our team is committed to creating the safest environment for our students. Each Night we will clean and sanitize before and after the event. We will have sanitizer, mask, and hand washing stations available. Students will be expected to wear a mask and social distance at all times.
Sign up here