Over the last 10 years our student ministry has poured blood, sweat, tears, time, and hearts into missions. Traditionally, every other year, we take a large group to work with our missionaries, the Gracesquis in the Dominican Republic. Last year we took 28 people to the D.R., which marked our church's 7th group trip to work there.
This year we are looking to break tradition to allow our upperclassmen, beginning with Seniors first, to see a project completed. Keeping the group small has sooooooooooooo many benefits and I believe students are excited about it already!
Important: (Money towards this trip is not refundable)
Adults attending: Josh Cooper, Nicole Cooper, Mike Romagnoli
Leave from Church to ATL hotel March 30th
Fly from ATL-STI March 31
Serve in Santiago March 31-Apr. 7th
Fly from STI-JFK-CVG April 7th
Total Cost of Trip is $1440.
Deposit of $200 due, no later than Dec. 13th
There are 9 Spots for students. Active seniors have 1st option. Nearing the deadline there will be spots available if we have not met the number of 9 students. First come, First serve. (Students must be active in student ministry, Josh has the final say on who attends this trip).
The blessings of a small trip are maturity levels, spiritual depth, work ethic, attitude, etc. can be used to determine who goes. With that said, keeping the number low also allows us to experience more, grow closer, travel cheaper, etc. (Not to the mention it doesn't overload our missionaries who we are there to help)
Students are required to acquire a US Passport which expires no sooner than 6 months after April 7th (the day we return).
Fundraising Opportunities:
There will be 4 opportunities to raise support. The moneys from these events will go to support the entire group, with equal money going to each member (Unless they don't need it, in that case it would be given to the entire group). By signing on for this trip you agree to participate, work, plan, and advertise the fundraising opportunities.
- 3 post-Sunday service lunches (People will give as they'd like)
- Trivia Night (Early-March)