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MSM Fall Retreat

This year for Fall retreat we are going to camp Calvary Friday October 5 through Saturday October 6. We will meet at church on Friday at 5:00pm. We will be back at church on Saturday @ 4:00 for pick up. During our time at Camp Calvary we will be spending time  worshiping together, in Gods word, camp fire, Games, AND LOTS OF FOOD! The cost for this trip is $20. 

PARENTS: When you drop your student off @ church on Friday please fill out a parental consent form!!!


  1. Bible/Pen/Note Paper

  2. flashlight

  3. Sleeping Bag and Pillow

  4. Toiletries/Towel

  5. Clothes for Friday night/Saturday please bring at least one sporty outfit and one outfit you are okay with getting dirty!


Earlier Event: September 21
Glow Games (MSM)
Later Event: October 20
MSM Night Of Worship